دکتۆر مەحەمەد عەزیز سەعید
Dr. Mohammed Azeez Saeed
Learn About Me
Welcome to my CV & Portfolio. Please take a moment to browse my work, skills, and professional experience. It’s my firm belief that a good challenge offers an opportunity to develop and improve, which is why I make a point of seeking out new ones in the professional realm as well as in my personal life. Contact me directly to learn more. Thank you... Mohammed.... January 1st, 2023.
بەخێربێن بۆ سەربووردەم و پۆرتفۆلیۆی تایبەت بەخۆم. تکایە چەند چرکەیەک لە کاتت تەرخان بکە بۆ خوێندنەوەى زانیارییەکان لە ڕوانگەى کارەکانم، تواناکانم و ئەزموونى پەنجا ساڵی ڕابووردووم.هیوادارم سوود لە ئەزموونم وەربگری. لەگەڵ ڕێزم.
دکتۆر مەحەمەد عەزیز سەعید عبدالرحمان بابان

My Curriculum Vitae سەربوردەی ژیانم
Name: Dr.Mohammed Azeez Saeed ( Assistant Professor )
Date of Birth: 27/09/1953
, Marital Status: Married
No. of Children: 2 & 3 grandchildren
Nationality: Iraq
Passport Number: A19623945- Iraq
Department: General Science,
College: Basic Education,
University: Salahaddin,
City: Erbil,
Region: Kurdistan,
Country: Iraq
Mobile phone: 00964 750 462 2954
e-mail: mohammed.aziz@su.edu.krd
Job Title: Erasmus Plus Institutional Coordinator, Salahaddi8n University-Erbil-Iraq
B.Sc. Physics, College of Science-University of Sulaimani, 1977, Iraq
M.Sc. Meteorology and Climatology, 1980, University of Birmingham-England
Ph.D. Astronomy, 2001, College of Science- University of Baghdad- Iraq
Main Teaching Areas:
Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology, Interstellar matter
Mathematical Physics, Differential Equations and Numerical Analysis
Computer Programs ( Theory & Practice )
Research Interests:
Meteorology and Climatology
Solar and Wind Energy
Climate Change
Physics of the Atmosphere
Astronomy, Cosmology, Interstellar Dust Grains
*Analysis of the diffuse interstellar bands of K-kassiopeia.Iraqi J.of Science.2000. *Microbial model for interstellar extinction and linear polarization of HD37903 star.Iraqi J.of Science.2000.
*Analysis of the diffuse interstellar bands observations. Iraqi Journal of Science.2001. To be Published. *Estimation of the coefficients of Angstrom type formula for different latitudes.Zanco,2,June1997 *Agro meteorology in North Iraq. Internal distribution.FAO North Iraq. August 2001.
*Tables of Daily Extraterrestrial Radiation, Sunrise, Sunset Hours & Maximum Possible Daylength in *Major Cities of North Iraq. Internal Distribution. FAO North Iraq. August 2001.
*Agriculture and crop water requirements in north Iraq.A General Review.February2002. *Spread F at Wakkanai. J.of Space & Science Research,Vol.5,No.1,93-100,1988, Iraq
*Statistical Analysis of Extreme Rainfall at Kirkuk- Iraq. Iraqi J. of Science, Vol.30,No.3, 435-442,1989. *Crystal Structure determination of Ternary Semi Comp. Cu2GeS3. J. of Maths and Phys. Vol.2,No.1, 34-49,Aug.1989.Iraq.
*Classification of Climate of Iraq According to Air Enthalpy. Iraqi J.of Science, Vol.31,No.2, 397-412,1990.
*Prediction of hourly solar radiation comp. on a horizontal surface at Erbil-Iraq. J.of Sci.& Nature. Vol.2,No.1,31-34,1993.
*Statistical study of global solar radiation in Erbil-Iraq.J.of Sci.& Nat.1994. *Extrapolation of solar radiation measurements for Iraq &Jordan.Zanco,Vol.11,No.2,1999.
Postgraduate Supervisions:
*Investigation and Analysis of Precipitation Variability and Drought Conditions in the Federal Region of Kurdistan-Iraq. Ph.D. Thesis, 2008.
*Study and Analysis of Wind and Wind power Potential at Erbil Governorate-Iraq, M.Sc. Thesis, 2006.
*Wind and Wind Power at Dohuk Governorate-Iraq , M.Sc. Thesis, 2008.
*Optical Properties of Interstellar Dust Grains in Orion Nebula,M.Sc.Thesis, 2006.
*Study and Analysis of Global Solar Radiation in Kurdistan-Iraq.2009.
*Study and Calculation of Evapotranspiration in Erbil Governorate - Iraq.Higher Deploma Thesis, 2010.
*Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average of Mean Daily Air Temperature in Kurdistan-Iraq. M.Sc.Thesis.2012
* Investigation and analysis of Evapotranspiration from climatic data in Kurdistan Region.M.Sc. Thesis.2014
Posts Employment:
Deputy of the Dean of the College of Science, Salahaddin University- Erbil-Iraq, 1995-1997.
Agro meteorology Senior Officer, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Coordination Office-Erbil-Iraq, 2000-2003
Chairman, General Science, College of Basic Education Salahaddin University-Erbil-Iraq,2005-2007.
Supervisor, Meteorology and Astronomy Research Unit, SalahaddinUniversity-Erbil-Iraq, 2008-up to present.
Director of Trainings and Continuous Education, Ministry of Higher Education-Kurdistan Region, August 2007- April 2010
Director of Scholarships, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research-Kurdistan Region, August 2008- April 2010.
Deputy General Director of Scholarships and Delegations, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research-Kurdistan Region, Nov.2009 –April 2010.
Director of International Relations Office, Salahaddin University - Erbil-Kurdistan-Iraq., May 4th, 2010- 17/01/2018.
Member of High Committee of HCDP program. Sept.2013- up to date
Member of High Committee of Ersamus Mundus Action2 SALAM ,EU program, Coordinated by Warsaw University-Poland , March 2012- July 2016.
Member of High Committee of Erasmus+ GeoNetC, EU project, coordinated by Lund University-Sweden, October 2015 – Present.
Member of High Committee of Erasmus+ OPATEL, EU project, coordinated by Leipzig University of Applied Science -Germany, October 2016 – Present.
Member of High Committee of Erasmus+ TIGRIS, EU project, coordinated by Georg August Gottingen University-Germany, October 2017 – Present.
Member of High Committee of Erasmus+ KA107, EU project, coordinated by Georg August Gottingen University-Germany, October 2018– Present.
* Member of High Committee of Erasmus+ ICM KA107, EU project, coordinated by 19th Mayis University-Samsun-Turkey, November 2017 – Present.
Member of High Committee of Erasmus+ ICM KA107, EU project, coordinated by Warsaw University-Poland, November 2017 – Present.
Member of High Committee of Erasmus+ KA107, EU project, coordinated by University of Cyril & Methodius, Trnava-Slovakia, October 2018 – Present.
*Local coordinator, Erasmus+APPRAIS, January 2020- January 2023.
*Local coordinator, Erasmus-LS, TeachersMod, January 2023-January 2025.

Education خوێندن
From 1960 to 1972, studied Primary school, Intermediate school and high school at Qaladze, Sulaimane-Iraq

Education خوێندن
From 1/10/1973 to 26/6/1977 studied Physics at Physics Department, College of Science, University of Sulaimane. The degree of B.Sc. was awarded with honor, stood first rank at the university level. The president of Iraq awarded him a golden Omega watch.

Education خوێندن
From 1/10/1978 to 20/10/1980 studied Meteorology and Applied Climatology at the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. The degree of M.Sc. was awarded during the degree congregation hold on 12/12/1980.

Education خوێندن
From October 1998 to August 2001 studied Astronomy at the department of Astronomy, College of Science, University of Baghdad. The degree of Ph.D. was awarded on August 25th, 2001.

My History مێژووم
Mohammed Azeez Saeed
Mobile: 00964(0)750 462 2954
Erasmus+Institutional Coordinator at Salahaddin University-Erbil
Assistant Professor Dr. Mohammed Azeez Saeed was born in the city of Qaladze/ Sulaimane on 27th, September 1953. He is married and has two daughters.
Mr Saeed followed the footsteps of his family by entering the school and continued until he received the B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees. He joined Salahaddin University-Erbil in November 15th, 1977. He continued to work in the department of Physics for the period of one year, when he travelled to the United Kingdom for his postgraduate studies at the University of Birmingham and on December 1980 he has been awarded M.Sc. degree in the field of Meteorology and Applied Climatology. On August 2001 he completed his Ph.D. study in Astronomy at the University of Baghdad-Iraq.
In addition to the teaching of both undergraduate and postgraduate students and researching in the fields of Physics, Atmospheric Science and Astronomy, Mr. Saeed served as Physics Department decider, supervisor of the warehouse, head of scientific section and deputy dean of the college of Science –Salahaddin University-Erbil for the period of over 25 years.
From December 1999 to April 2003, he was appointed as the Agro meteorology senior Officer at the Kurdistan Region Coordination Office of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. In this period, he managed to install 18 meteorological/Agro meteorological weather stations ( automatic & manual) in Dohuk, Erbil and Sulaimane Governorates. In addition to that, he located some 85 rain gauges in the region. A huge data were recorded and archieved on climate of Kurdistan. The data were used and implemented to improve and upgrade the Agriculture sector system of Kurdistan Region.
On August 2008 he was appointed as the director of Training and continuous Learning and the director of Cultural Relations and Scholarships at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research-Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Thereafter, he became the Deputy Director General of the Cultural Relations and Scholarships Office and Deputy Director General of the Office of Private Universities at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Kurdistan Region. He played a pivotal role in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. As well as a member of Human capacity Development Program(HCDP) management high Committee, while participating as a member in many more.
In May 2010, he was appointed as the Director of International Relations Office up to present date at Salahaddin University-Erbil.
During his tenure as the director of the Department of International Relations, Mr Saeed promoted Salahaddin university-Erbil relations with the international community and worldwide universities, Institutes and research Centers on academic and cultural levels, through participating in numerous conferences and workshops around the world and engaging with the many international scholarship awards such as Fulbright, Erasmus Mundus, British Council, Erasmus Plus program of the European Union.
Strong and very close work and cooperation with Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) head quarter at Bonn/ Germany. I was the member of the working team for establishing Department of German as a foreign Language at Salahaddin University Erbil which financially sponsored by DAAD and technically supervised by Leipzig University-Germany
He succeeded in signing Salahaddin University over 250 MOUs with high level reputed universities around the world.
On March 2012, Dr. Saeed was appointed as the focal point of Erasmus Mundus Action 2 SALAM European program representing Salahaddin University –Erbil. This program was coordinated by University of Warsaw - Poland.
On October 2015, he was appointed as the focal point of Erasmus Plus/ GeoNetC European Union program representing Salahaddin University-Erbil. This program was coordinated by Lund University-Sweden.
On October 2016, he was appointed as the focal point of Erasmus Plus/ OPATEL European Union program representing Salahaddin University-Erbil. This program was coordinated by Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, Leipzig- Germany.
On September 2017, he was also appointed as the focal point of Erasmus Plus/ TIGRIS European Union program representing Salahaddin University-Erbil. This program was coordinated by Georg August University Gottingen-Germany.
On January 2020, he was also appointed as the focal point of Erasmus Plus/ APPRAIS European Union program representing Salahaddin University-Erbil. This program is coordinated by UNIMED University Rome-Italy and will continue until January 2023.
He was the director of Grants & academic Projects Office and the Coordinator of Erasmus Plus Coordination Office at Salahaddin University – Erbil from January 2018-December 2019.
EU Erasmus Plus Expert, ID number : EX2017D310801
He endeavors to further strengthen bilateral scientific relations between Salahaddin University-Erbil and world Universities, academic educational institutions, cultural, research centers and organizations.
A59-New Zanko, Kirkuk Street, Erbil
Updated on January 27th, 2023.